Wednesday 30 January 2013


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Come with me now on a voyage of discovery as we return to an earlier era; when the sky was bluer, the air was purer, and we were all eager adventurers in the enchanted and magical kingdom of childhood that we thought was ours forever.

Or, if you prefer a less fanciful way of putting it, let's take a look back at The MIGHTY WORLD Of MARVEL in the month of December in the year 1972.  JIM STARLIN is still producing the covers of this new weekly periodical, which is yet only a couple of months old in its seven year existence before being renamed in 1979.  (MARVEL COMIC, in case you were wondering.) 

The Big JOHN BUSCEMA illustration (2nd pic below) is a preview of the free giant-size poster awarded to readers who mutilated their comics by cutting out the tokens every week to send away for it.  Trust me, the poster was more vivid and far sharper in colour and detail than the preview would suggest.

So - pictures, previews, pin-ups, and puzzle pages!  What more could any Merry Marvelite ask for?  Stories?  Don't worry, it had those as well.  What a bargain for only 5 pence. Now excuse me while I slobber over that pic of SUSAN STORM - I'm in lurv!

Don't miss Part Four! 


  1. I loved the info posters and posters by Ditko and Kirby.

    What I really hated was the inclusion of a puzzle page with the truly mundane MAZE.

    I thought the puzzle pages were for kids, and I recall having to hide my comics from my younger brother.

    Imagine the horror of reading a previous issue and discovering felt pen lines soaking through the artwork from a MAZE on the other` side.

    On the other hand,my brother is no longer alive,but I have some old British issues with panels coloured in and I know who did it.
    And it makes me smile.

  2. Good to hear that he left his mark on the world. Whenever I look at the scratches on the outside of the back door I remember my dog - and smile. Wasn't too happy at the time 'though.

  3. I couldn't bear to cut the tokens out so I re-drew the poster on a large sheet of paper and painted it myself. I'm pretty sure I've still got it somewhere in my loft.

  4. Right, Mel, you can't tease us like that - you need to get up into your loft and show us the finished article. C'mon, now - get the ladders out.

  5. I've been up the loft and found the poster plus a couple more that I did. They're on my blog page

  6. Right, everybody - over to Mel's blog to look at his handiwork.


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