Sunday 23 December 2012


Well, Christmas is almost upon us, so here's a Yuletide classic from BOB HOPE's movie, THE LEMON DROP KID. Pal BING CROSBY was first to release the song on record after Bob's film, but no one can caress a lyric like 'MR VELVET' himself, the mighty JIM REEVES.  Click on the link below to listen to a cosy Christmas cracker now.


  1. The story goes (and it may even be true) that writers Jay Livingston and Ray Evans originally entitled the song "Tinkle Bells," but Livingston's wife pointed out that "tinkle" had a vulgar connotation. As "Silver Bells," it has become a classic. The song is far more widely known than the Bob Hope movie that introduced it.

  2. Interesting. Although, 'vulgar' connotations aside, the word 'tinkle' has a 'hard' sound and seems an awkward way to start the song. 'Jingle' would be a more obvious choice - if it hadn't already been taken. What IS certain is that Jim's version is a classic rendition of a classic song.

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