Wednesday 19 December 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

When I first read THOR The MIGHTY (as he was originally named) in the b&w pages of FANTASTIC back in 1967, I took a real shine (in a non-suspect, manly way, of course) to the hammer-swinging Norse god of thunder.  I made myself an 'uru' mallet (out of sponge and a stick) and ran around the field across the road from my house waving it over my head and shouting (internally) "For Odin - for Asgard!"  Yes, you're right - there was obviously far too much vinegar on my chips.

I also had a gnarled, wooden cane (well, a branch) that was the double of DOCTOR DONALD BLAKE's walking stick, which I concealed behind my back until required for my identity switch.  I'd stamp my magical mallet on the ground, then hide it behind me with one hand and produce my gnarled cane (er, branch) with the other.  Bemused passers-by would look at me, tap their heads with a finger and cast their gaze to the heavens.  I think there was a distinct possibility that they may have been trying to tell me something.  What can I say?  I was only eight years old and having myself some fun.

Actually, now that I think about it, I'd really first seen Thor in a reprint of AVENGERS #2 in the pages of SMASH!, but it wasn't 'til I'd read "The THUNDER GOD & The THUG!" in his solo tales that the idea of emulating the golden-tressed immortal from ASGARD recommended itself to me as having distinct playtime possibilities.  I'd like to be able to claim that I've matured since my childhood days, but to do so would be a lie.  When I espied an inexpensive toy replica of MJOLNIR in a shop a few years ago, I snapped it up immediately, and it now adorns the wall of the very room in which I type these words.

However, that's enough of my self-indulgent reminiscing; the time has now come to unleash upon you some of the early covers from Thor's stories in JOURNEY Into MYSTERY, first printed way back in the '60s.  Just think - MARVEL and JACK KIRBY at their very best!  Who could possibly ask for more?!

And for all those who are interested, here's my very own Mjolnir.  It definitely falls into the category of "Toys I wish I'd had when I was kid!"  Hey, better late than never, eh?


  1. Now you know this post won't be complete without letting us see a snapshot of you swinging that replica of Mjolnir, bub. :)

  2. Here's a scoop I should really keep to myself, CF.

    One night, a pal drove me along to my old neighbourhood wherein I had played as a boy with my homemade hammer. Over half the field has disappeared, having had an old folks home built upon the site, but part still remained. With my new hammer (concealed in a plastic bag, but with the thong around my wrist), I walked over the remaining grassy area and simply remembered the joy of being a child back in the day.

    One day I'll go back with hammer in hand and get a photo - just for you (and me).

  3. A sponge and a stick!

    Now why did I not think of that when I was a kid.

  4. Well, that was the Reader's Digest account, Baab. Actually, my hammer consisted of a blue or purple cloth-covered spongey material, with a stick painted black and the wrap-around straps painted on in blue (it was all I had). However, in MY mind, it was mighty Mjolnir - and I was INVINCIBLE!

  5. Kid,

    You're not the only child who was running around his yard emulating Thor. I also found a gnarled stick to pound on the ground and turn into Thor. I also used my garbage can lid to replicate Cap's shield, although my "shield" didn't return to its owner. Aside from the comics, I was surely influenced by the Marvel Superhero cartoons that appeared in 1966. Ah, youth!

  6. You know, I wish I had even HALF the energy I had back in those days, Nick. Wasn't life fun?


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