Friday 7 December 2012


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The '60s.  They say that if you remember them, you weren't there.  I say that if you weren't there, how could you remember them?  (I'm clever that way.)  What was so special about the '60s then?  "The era of the three B's", as they're described, but there was a lot more to them than the BEATLES, BOND and BATMAN.

There was also DOCTOR WHO, The DALEKS, STEPTOE & SON, Z CARS, SUPERCAR, YOGI BEAR, CRANE, The SAINTFIREBALL XL5, The BARON, MAN In A SUITCASE, STINGRAYThe CHAMPIONSThe MAGIC ROUNDABOUT, THUNDERBIRDS, The MONKEES, The ADVENTURES Of ROBIN HOOD, CAPTAIN SCARLET, The MAN From U.N.C.L.E., The FLINTSTONES, The PRISONER, JOE 90 and loads of other programmes that, to people of a certain age, the mere mention of will conjure up images of happy childhood days.

Then there were the toys: the MARX BUMP'N'GO DALEK, the CORGI ASTON MARTIN DB5, BATMOBILE, THRUSHBUSTER (er, don't ask), CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG, the various DINKY GERRY ANDERSON vehicles, the AURORA GLOW-In-The-DARK MONSTER polystyrene plastic model kits, MAJOR MATT MASON, The ZEROIDS and, of course, ACTION MAN.

The swinging '60s also belonged to The MARVEL AGE Of COMICS, with such spectacular superheroes as The FANTASTIC FOUR, The INCREDIBLE HULK, The SENSATIONAL SUB-MARINER, THOR The MIGHTY and The AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, to name but a few.  In Britain, most of us discovered our Bullpen buddies through the pages of comics like WHAM!, SMASH!, POW!FANTASTIC and TERRIFIC, published by ODHAMS PRESS.

Having just mentioned all the preceding programmes, toys and comics, you're no doubt wondering where the accompanying images are.  You'll simply have to make do with the ad from FANTASTIC #15 at the top of this post, 'cos  I ain't knocking myself out!

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