Tuesday 18 December 2012


Copyright relevant owner

Here's another nice Christmassy image to gladden your hearts and make your spirits soar with the splendours of the Season. From the early 1980s, TV COMIC's very own MIGHTY MOTH in a bumper WINTER SPECIAL. I'm not 100% sure whether the accompanying strip comes from this particular issue or not, but who cares? It's another DICK MILLINGTON delight, and that's good enough for me!  


  1. Here's a fun, and 100% true, story about Dick Millington!

    One day he'd bought a brand new Jaguar and took it to deliver some work. When he got to the offices where he was delivering he went inside to tell them he was here. When he came out his Jaguar had been stolen, so he called police! On the phone they said:
    "We can understand your loss Sir, and we'll try all we can to get your car back."
    He replied:
    "I don't care about the car, I care about the drawings in the boot!"

  2. Nice one. And were they recovered?

  3. I do believe so! Oh, and a car came with it.


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