Monday 31 December 2012


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

As a special HOGMANAY treat, here's the DESPERATE DAN story from the NEW YEAR edition of The DANDY, cover-dated January 8th, 2000.  This story, illustrated by the mighty KEN H. HARRISON, comes from a time when the strip was being drawn to a far higher standard than in the last few years.  That's probably why the digital edition of the comic has returned Dan to his classic look (so I'm told).  Long may it be so.

Happy New Year, everybody.


  1. And to think I took Ken's art for granted back in the day...

  2. It's a crime that his illustration wasn't used as the front cover of the last Dandy, instead of being relegated to the back.

  3. One of my favourite Ken strips is the Wild Rovers from Nutty, such a high level of invention and the drawings were as funny as anything.

  4. I don't think I'm familiar with that one - I must look out for it.


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