Thursday 8 November 2012


For those of you not fortunate or discerning enough to have held on to your copies of TV CENTURY 21, it may interest you to learn (if you didn't already know) that the comic had a vinyl disc tie-in back in the '60s that serves as a nice little keepsake of the famous publication.  It's fairly easy to acquire on eBay (I've just bought two of them) for a relatively inexpensive price, which surprised me as - a good many years back - I saw a few of these CENTURY 21 EPs at a comic mart for about £15 to £20 each.  Perhaps the fact that most (if not all) of them have since become available on CD has lowered the price of the original records.

I have a few TV21s in my collection (particularly the early issues, including #1), but it's nice to see the logo gracing the cover of a record and it's a great little collector's item to have.  Once I've luxuriated in its presence for a while, I'll place it alongside my FIREBALL XL5 - JOURNEY To The MOON EP, which I bought a good many years ago.  The TV21 record arrived today and is in very good condition, but an even better version is winging its way to me as I type.  Interestingly, DOCTOR WHO was never featured in the comic, so I assume that the inclusion of the theme tune was intended to represent The DALEKS, who appeared in the first 104 issues.

Collectors of TV21 may be interested in a facsimile of the free gift (Fireball XL5) from #3, available from NORTHERNLAD on eBay.  Priced at £5, it's printed on card (without his name-stamp) and is a nice way of reliving part of your childhood if you owned an original back in the day.  Item #130794388939

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