Friday 30 November 2012


The time has come to say goodbye to The MISSING LINK, as this
episode marks the last time the strip appeared under this title.  With the
next instalment, it was renamed JOHNNY FUTURE, and transformed
into a bona fide superhero series.  However, it's always best to leave the
table wanting for more, so the strip will be 'resting' for a while, as I've no
immediate plans to feature the remaining episodes.  All that can change
if there's enough demand, 'though  - so if you want to see the rest of
Johnny's adventures, cast your vote in the comments section.


  1. Yet again, a weird sensation like deja vu. I was sure I dimly recognised that splash page with the Animal Man. It reminded me in turn that I'd thought DC's hero was a rip-off of the Power Comics character as a child.

    I'd certainly like to see more Johnny Future- also Brian's Brain, if you can oblige.

  2. I'll see what I can do about Brian's Brain, Dougie. Trouble is, although I have the Odhams bound volumes of the first two years of 'Smash!', I can't open them enough to scan the pages without cracking the spines. However, I do also have loose copies of quite a few early issues which I should be able to scan no problem. And there's always the Brian's Brain strip from the combined 'Smash! Pow! It's Fantastic' Summer Special from 1968. (As well as the Annuals.)

  3. I'd love to see that Summer Special in its entirety but it's not very seasonal.

  4. Please, please continue with Johnny Future it looks brilliant!

  5. Any more votes for Johnny Future?

  6. I vote for more- its great stuff. A forgotten classic!!!! Come on show more please!

  7. Only three votes so far? Surely it deserves far more than that? Numerous anonymous votes from this point on won't count, as it could be the same person each time.

    Don't be shy - vote on Johnny Future's future now.

  8. oh sorry the first anonymous was me.

    martin baines

  9. No bother, Martin. Ask some of your friends to vote if they'd also like to see the continuing adventures.


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