Sunday 18 November 2012


Images copyright DC COMICS

Over on another blog, the host refers to (amongst other things) LONDON EDITIONS MAGAZINES' 19 issue run of The SUPER HEROES.  He happened to mention in his comments section that he's never seen the 1983 and 1984 Annuals, nor the two card-covered Albums which were also issued.  So - this one's for him!  (And you!)



  1. Thanks for this! I particularly like the cover of the 1983 annual.

  2. No bother, Dougie. Glad you liked it.

  3. I think one issue had a cover where the heroine ( Canary? Power Girl?) was modelled on Debbie Harry.

  4. I'll have to dig them out and scan them for future publication. Some of the covers were really nice. You could certainly tell when the artists had based the characters on celebrities.

  5. That used to bug me when artists used celebs as the basis....i remember someone using one or both of the twins from BROS (british popsters) and it annoyed me.....hhmm I think it was an issue of Zenith by Steve Yeowell .

    I still dont know what my opinion is of inserting Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury in the Ultimates books with the knock on effect of him being in the continuing narrative.

  6. I just had a wee look at my Zenith books,in case my memory is faulty....yes, Steve Yeowell places Bros,a Rick Astley type and another who looks like a rolling stone drummer in a fictional number one band called Jack Five.
    phase 111 :1 nadir
    2000 ad prog 630
    book four of graphic novels.

  7. Zenith, eh? That reminds me - whatever happened to that Grant Morrison fella?

  8. Cheers Kid, yet another post I'd forgotten. That pis of the Supes spectacular #2 is hard to find anywhere else. I never came across either of the specials.


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