Thursday 11 October 2012


Copyright relevant owner

You're looking at the cover (above) to the 1968 TV CENTURY 21 Annual (on sale from Aug/Sept '67).  The third in the series, this was actually the last annual to include the word 'Century' in the title, the remaining five being called simply TV21.  (Though the annual for '69 carried the original name on the spine, despite the new, shorter title on the cover.)

The next two annuals were the last to carry any GERRY ANDERSON related content (JOE 90 was listed on the cover to the 1971 book, but was nowhere to be seen inside), and the final three publications bore no resemblance to what had gone before, carrying a curious mix of STAR TREK, The SAINT, LAND Of The GIANTS, TARZAN, and - in the '72 annual - SPIDER-MAN, The SILVER SURFER, and The GHOST RIDER (the cowboy version).

So - feast your eyes on what was essentially the last yearly tie-in with TV CENTURY 21 when it was still riding the height of its fame, before it shortened its name and started to fade in the affections of the comics-buying public (not that the two things are necessarily connected).  We shall probably never see its like again.

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