Thursday 18 October 2012



Let's now journey back to the Summer of 1970, when British comic fans would have first become aware of the SMASH! HOLIDAY SPECIAL on sale in newsagents.  In that year's bumper number, readers were spoiled by the Victorian escapologist JANUS STARK's strip, as it was drawn by J. G. QUIROS and not the regular artist SOLANO LOPEZ, who drew it for the weekly periodical.  As great as Lopez was, Quiros was undoubtedly better.  Just look at the terrific detail in the following pages - truly a master at work.  I believe he also drew for other British weekly comics such as TV21 and LOOK-IN, which is ironic, as the late ALAN FENNELL was editor on both comics in their early days.

However, that's enough waffle from me.  Time to let these truly astounding pages speak for themselves.

And for the completists amongst you, here's the cover to the magazine itself.  Time to get cracking on eBay, I'd suggest.  It's definitely one to have in your collection.


  1. Good as he is more detail doesn't always make it better artwork. For my tastes it's too slick for Janus Stark. Lopez provided more atmosphere and mood. Each to his own 'though I suppose.

  2. Lopez was indeed a master of atmosphere, but Quiros is a much better renderer. His figures have shape and depth, whereas Lopez's figures were often a bit flat and one-dimensional looking.

  3. Quite surprised to see Quiros signature in the penultimate panel - someone on the editorial desk asleep at the wheel with the white-out?

    B Smith

  4. If I remember correctly, B (without digging out the book), his signature also managed to sneak through on a Janus Stark tale he did for a Smash! annual. Maybe the editor was a fan.

  5. GREAT STUFF!!!! I always loved this strip when I was growing up, nice to see it again ;-)

  6. It's a cracker, sure enough, T. The same artist drew a colour Janus Stark strip for one of the Smash! Annuals as well.


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