Wednesday 17 October 2012



You know the old saying: "A picture is worth a thousand words."  Here are 16 pictures, you can do the maths yourself.  From 1967, part two of The MISSING LINK from the peerless pages of FANTASTIC, a weekly periodical published by ODHAMS PRESS as part of their POWER COMICS line.  British comics were good back then - if only they were as good now.

So savour the work of Spanish artist LUIS BERMEJO, one of the all-time greats.  If only the entire run were coloured-up and sold in a deluxe (but not too expensive) edition, I'm sure it would sell.  However, somebody better do it soon - while all those who remember this classic strip are still alive to appreciate it.

Want to see the next episode?  Cast your vote in the comments section.

For Part Three, click here.  For Part One, click here.

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