Friday 12 October 2012


Copyright DC COMICS
Fifty-one years after the debut of ACTION COMICS #1, the cover design by JOE SHUSTER was used again by GEORGE PEREZ for issue #643 - when SUPERMAN returned as the star attraction after months of featuring in only a regular double-page strip, drawn by the legendary CURT SWAN.  The main difference, I suppose, is that on the first cover, ol' Supes is only leaping - whereas, in the newer version, he's a fully paid-up member of the superhero flying club.  Curiously, for all the detail that Perez includes, his figure's torso seems far more stiff than Shuster's.  Just goes to show that the old guard had their strengths as well, and that it wasn't just the bold young turks who could teach us a thing or two.

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