Monday 1 October 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

This time around, let's not bother with too many words - why waste 'em when these pictures speak for themselves?  All you need to know, if you don't already, is that these covers and pin-ups are from FANTASTIC, a weekly comic published by ODHAMS PRESS in the late '60s.  Enjoy! 


  1. A few random thoughts:

    I had forgotten about Jumbo but I can still taste the sugar strands on a Kinky!

    Tana Nile was one of my favourite Kirby designs and interestingly very much like the EBEs in those alien autopsy films.

    Nebulos is another astounding design. I don't recall if he/it ever appeared again, though.

  2. I missed replying to this comment at the time for some reason, Dougie, but better late than never - even if it's 3 and a half years later. Yeah, I always liked the Tana Nile design myself. Couldn't say whether Nebulos made a return appearance or not. Anyone know?


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