Thursday 4 October 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Criv-ites not buying the new softcover MARVEL MASTERWORKS are missing out on something special.  As well as printing the most accurate versions of classic Marvel stories to date (the reproduction quality of some tales in the FF volume being superior to the OMNIBUS edition), the books also include terrific extras.

Case in point: The above painting by DEAN WHITE (over JACK KIRBY) of FF #1 is simply stunning.  The illo was used on the cover, but with the background blacked out - as is the case with all volumes in the series.  However, the first two releases (SPIDER-MAN and FANTASTIC FOUR) included the full paintings in the back of the books, with subsequent volumes displaying the unedited artwork of the next one to come, inside the back cover.

The books are worth having for these fantastic paintings alone, never mind the cataclysmic classics from Marvel's heyday.  What are you waiting for?  Start buying these titanic tomes today!

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