Sunday 21 October 2012



You lucky peeps, so you are!  Here's part three of the British Hulk, otherwise known as The MISSING LINK, who thrilled readers (in one incarnation or another) for 51 instalments (and a complete tale in one of three Annuals) back in 1967/'68 in the pages of FANTASTIC, published by ODHAMS PRESS.  With great art by LUIS BERMEJO and written by ALF WALLACE (so I'm told), this was one of the highlights of U.K. comic periodicals back in the '60s.

And the bombastic best is yet to come, frantic ones, when our likely lad Linky transforms into a genuine MAN Of TOMORROW, complete with - but hold on there!  Let's not get ahead of ourselves and spoil the surprise for those who are experiencing this stupendous strip for the very first time.  We'll get there soon enough, so, for the moment, all together now - "LINK IS BIG! LINK IS STRONG!"

For Part Two, click here.  For Part One, click here.

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