Monday 15 October 2012


Copyright DC COMICS

The DEMON Of GOTHOS MANSION was a cracking tale (Gromit), with a cracking cover.  Does anybody else think, like me, that if BATMAN comics were still this good then more people might buy them?  I first read this DENNY O'NEIL, IRV NOVICK & DICK GIORDANO story in b&w when it was reprinted in the BATMAN From The '30s To The '70s volume, and I obtained the original comic quite a few years back.  Anyway, NEAL ADAMS' cover art is moody and mysterious, and actually a lot more effective than the 1939 BOB KANE one which inspired it.  Agree?  Disagree?  Feel like a pizza?  Let us all know in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. The cover of Darkwing Duck #8 (2011) was another homage to (or parody of) Detective #31 and/or the Neal Adams remake.-TC


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