Friday 31 August 2012



Back in 1985, the layout of the cover to JOURNEY Into MYSTERY #83 was dusted down and reused for X-MEN ANNUAL #9.  JACK KIRBY's artwork for JIM #83 originally featured several more STONE MEN From SATURN descending from the sky, which were deleted before publication to lend greater emphasis to the figure of The MIGHTY THOR.  However, ART ADAMS and WALTER SIMONSON's cover was closer in design to 'King' Kirby's unaltered version.  (That's the published comic below.)

And, for all the completists amongst you, below is a production photostat of how Jack originally drew the cover (inked by Joltin' JOE SINNOTT) before STAN LEE decided that it was just a bit too crowded for the star of the book.

But it's not over yet.  Below is a coloured version which appeared in ORIGINS Of MARVEL COMICS in 1974.  I suspect that the white spaceship and hammer were supposed to have been coloured grey, but were missed due to an oversight.  It also looks as if the colourist mistook Thor's tuft of hair for one of the wings on his helmet.

Well, you can't say that you don't get your money's worth on this blog, now can you? More COMIC COVERS 'SNAP' soon!


  1. I always felt something was missing from that cover.
    Its understandable that the big guy behind Thor is a bit much,but only at the head,the rest looks fine.
    The hammer spin area takes care of the space as well.

    Exceedingly good around here.

  2. Had it been me responsible for making the changes, I'd have deleted the big guy, left the 'little' guys in, and added one to the space where the big guy's right hand had been, I think they took too much away and left the area within the hammer spin kind of sparse.

    Glad you like it.


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