Wednesday 15 August 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Roll up, roll up! Here's the penultimate part of SPIDER-MAN covers from MARVEL TALES in the 1980s, as illustrated by STEVE DITKO back in the '60s for the very first printings of these classic adventures.  As you can see, the cover of issue #172 bore the legend "Collector's Item Classic" right next to the word "Marvel" in the top corner box, thereby resembling the name of an earlier reprint mag which the BULLPEN once published. (MARVEL COLLECTORS' ITEM CLASSICS, natch!  However, the placement of the apostrophe is different in both cases.)

Be sure to be here for the final instalment of this super series, as there'll be a couple of surprises which you won't want to miss.


  1. I had a silly problem with the comics you showed. They were great, just great. But Steve Ditko was able to produce so many great characters one after another that I thought that they would always be there. The same was true for Jack Kirby. So I just expected as time went on I would be seeing new characters all the time. And great ones. I never knew that I was reading comics at a special time and the originality and creativity that I saw every month would soon be gone. But those Steve Ditko covers will live on forever.

  2. I think that's a characteristic of youth, Barry. We tend to feel that life, in whatever way we experience it at the time, is always going to be the same and will never change. We soon find out different, eh?


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