Monday 13 August 2012


Images copyright relevant and respective owners

Legendary artist JOE KUBERT has died at the age of 85. Famous for drawing such comics as TOR, TARZAN, ENEMY ACE, SGT. ROCKHAWKMAN and dozens more, as well as founding The Kubert School, Joe was right up there alongside KIRBY, EISNER, SWAN, BUSCEMA, and any other comicbook artist of renown you care to mention.

Other blogs will doubtless cover the man's life and career in greater detail. For the moment, here is a selection of covers that made Joe Kubert's name one of the most respected in the industry.

Joe Kubert: September 18th, 1926 - August 12th, 2012.


  1. Although I do own that issue of Korak, I've never read any of Kubert's Tarzan material - or Marvel's for that matter. I should redress that soon.

  2. It would've been interesting to see his take on Conan.

  3. Very sad news - he was one of the true legends of comics - I think Joe drew a "Conan the Cimmerian" story (although it may only have been a few covers ) for Dark Horse - I always loved his Sgt Rock art (despite not being a fan of war comics) the art always looked cool with those scruffy US uniforms, the iconic Kubert "dark eyes" etc - McScotty

  4. I always thought early Ditko and Kubert art looked kind of similar. Did I imagine it, or did I read somewhere that Ditko was Kubert's assistant at one time?

  5. Yeah I see what you mean re the similarity of DitkOS early (50's) work and Kuberts the shape of the face, eyes, hatching etc etc never realsied that before -not read Ditko was Joes assistant but could well be - McScotty

  6. I'll have to check - it would explain a lot if he was.


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