Thursday 30 August 2012


That'll be me then.  (My friends think I'm a bit of a dinosaur and I often feel that I'm heading for extinction.)  However, as we're on the subject...

In the grounds of Glasgow University, near the entrance to the Hunterian Museum, there once stood a Tyrannosaurus Rex.  I think the ol' chap had been part of a display and was placed in that spot around the year 2001, where he soon became a popular tourist attraction and interesting backdrop against which students posed for their graduation photos.

A few years ago, the museum was extensively renovated, and old 'Dino' disappeared.  I've no idea whether he was quietly put to sleep or still exists somewhere in storage, but fortunately I had managed to take a few photos of him a year or two before he was removed.

For all those who miss ol' Dino as much as I do, here's a few snaps of him to remind you that Glasgow once had its very own prehistoric pal who guarded the grounds of the fourth oldest university in the English-speaking world.


Since I first posted this, I've discovered that 'Dino' is actually a female dinosaur called 'Millie' (the Millennium tyrannosaur) who was lifted into position on January 22nd, 2001.

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