Tuesday 14 August 2012


As most British readers will know, DESERT ISLAND DISCS is a long- running BBC RADIO FOUR programme, based on the premise of a weekly guest being stranded on a desert island and having to choose their eight favourite records of all time.  Then they're asked if they could only choose one, which one out of the eight it would be.  Sounds like a good idea to steal, so with that in mind, what eight comics are your all-time favourites, and why?  And, if you could only keep one of them, which one would it be?

Leave your answers in the comments section.  Go on, play along - it'll be fun.


  1. This is tricky but it's a great question. I hope my selections aren't disallowed since they're all over-sized comics:

    DC Super-Stars 3 (reprints the Shooter/Swan Adult Legion two-parter from Adventure Comics)

    JLA 110 (100-page Man who Murdered Santa Claus issue)

    Batman Super-Spec (DC-20) Origin of Two-Face

    Kamandi Giant 32

    FF King-Size Special 5: (Psycho-Man)

    Marvel Super-Heroes 26 (X-Men vs. Blob; Daredevil vs. Mr. Fear)

    Avengers King-Size Special 4 (Lava Men and Masters of Evil)

    Giant-Size Conan 5 (Elric 2-parter)

    If I only get to keep one, then it has to be the Adult Legion story since I searched for it so ardently in my late teens.

    Ones that got away: any Marvel Tales comic with Ditko Spidey and Dr. Strange; Simonson's X-men/New Teen Titans; Byrne's Alpha Flight; Ordway's Power of Shazam.

  2. A good response, Dougie - I've got about 3 or 4 of these comics myself. Let's see what other comics get a mention, eh?

  3. A copy of Sparky from when it was well and truly demented (1975-77 era)

    A copy of Krazy

    A copy of Whoopee! from its prime years (again, late 70s)

    An early 80s Beano (just to remind me of my childhood)

    R.Crumb's Home Grown comix with the 'Whiteman Meets Bigfoot' tale

    A 'proper' Dandy with the Jocks and the Geordies, Bully Beef and Chips, Dan and Korky

    A TV Comic with Mighty Moth, Basil Brush and the Pink Panther

    And if I had to choose just one...

    I'd choose one of my own small press titles! Egomania? No, just to remind myself that I could draw once!

  4. ok, I'm a bit late for this one, Kid, but, if you'll indulge me, I'd like to give it a shot.

    single issues, right?

    Howard the Duck # 19.

    The Fantastic Four # 6.

    The Brave and the Bold # 118.

    The House of Mystery # 186.

    Brian K. Vaughan & Niko Henrichon's Pride of Baghdad.

    Captain Marvel v1 # 17 ( that's the Mar-Vell Captain Marvel, not the Shazam! one ).

    Secret Origins v1 # 5, the origin of the Spectre. awesome comic.

    & a bit of a cheat, I know, but I'd like to include Marvel's UK Avengers Annual from 1976, not just for it's fantastic Roy Thomas - John Buscema content, but also for the many lovely memories and associations it holds for me, personally.

    if I could only keep one? that'd be Captain Marvel # 17, my favourite Gil Kane comic.

    I agree with Dougie on Ordway's Power of Shazam, too. if we could include whole runs, it'd definately be in my list.

  5. Hi Joe, another great selection. I thought this post would've got more response to be honest, but I suppose it wasn't up too long before news of The Dandy pushed it down the ladder a bit. I also thought I was being 'original' in ripping-off Desert Island Discs, but I note that the Forbidden Planet site do something similar.

  6. A tad late to the party, but I'm going for it anyway. Let's see...

    -An issue of the BVC (mid-90's thing that combined Big Comic Fortnightly, The Best of Buster and The Best of Whoopee)

    -An issue of The Beezer & Topper (fun was had when they combined!)

    -A Beano from 1992 (any'll do)

    -A Dandy from 1990 (any, again)

    -Zap Comix, any as long as there's some Robt. Williams in there.

    -One of Tony Millionaire's Maakies books, if that's allowed?

    -An issue of Kev Sutherland's UT

    -An issue of Sonic The Comic from whenever Richard Elson got involved (as long as it also features Nigel Kitching's Decap Attack)

  7. Big Value Comic was a great publication. Shame it's not still with us.


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