Sunday 12 August 2012


The Sparrows go to War.  Art by Tom Kerr.  Images copyright relevant owner

Presenting the final five pages which complete your issue of BUSTER & The BIG ONE from 1965.  Often, seeing the ads in comics can be as much of a time-travel experience as the strips themselves, carrying us back to childhood faster than the wink of an eye.  I have to admit, I was largely unaware of Buster's existence at this time, being fully captivated by TV CENTURY 21.  To me, the 'definitive' Buster came a couple of years or so later, when FISHBOY started.  Along with CHARLIE PEACE (and Buster himself), that's the comic I remember from my innocent youth.

Hopefully, this three-part series has stirred up warm reminiscences of your days as a schoolboy in the dim and distant days of the 1960s.  Which, paradoxically, seem as fresh and alive as the morning dew and the caress of a gentle breeze on one's skin. 

Ug and Tug.  Art by Angel Nadal

Charlie Drake.  Art by Arthur Martin

For Part Two, click here.  For Part One, click here.

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