Sunday 22 July 2012


I found this unfinished pencil sketch in a folder earlier today.  It was started when I was living down in Fratton in Portsmouth in 1985, copied from a photograph in an art book of the author, whose name I've long since forgotten.  (In fact, I can't even remember the name of the book.  If anyone knows, feel free to pass it on.)  I never got to finish it before having to hand the book back in to the library, being too busy pursuing my career as a calligraphic artist (okay then... a letterer) in the world of comics.

At the beginning of the book was a quotation from MICHELANGELO, which I was so impressed by that I made a note of it.  Hopefully, if you harbour any artistic aspirations, it may inspire you to achieve them.

"Let this be plain to all: design, or as it is called by another name, drawing, constitutes the fountain-head and substance of painting and sculpture and architecture and every other kind of painting, and is the root of all sciences.  Let him who has attained the possession of this be assured that he possesses a great treasure;..."

Now - go forth and conquer!


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