Monday 30 July 2012


I remember (back when I was a lad) raising my hand in class one day to ask permission to go to the toilet.  The teacher must have enquired whether I would be 'standing' or 'sitting' because I recall her opening a cupboard and taking out a roll of loo paper, from which she tore off one sheet and handed it to me.  I was only 5 years old at the time, but no way in hell was one sheet of bog roll going to be up to the job required of it - especially as it was IZAL toilet paper, which was rough on one side and smooth on the other.

Using the rough side was like scraping your bum with a cheese-grater, and using the smooth side only smeared any remnants of your 'deposits' all over your nether-cheeks.  (Either way, the jaggy edges it acquired when it became scrunched on 'application' almost tore your @rse apart.)  I'm sure this teacher would've used more than one sheet to wipe her own posterior, so what she was thinking of in doling it out only in single figures is a mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes himself.

Izal medicated toilet paper had other uses of course.  It came in handy for playing the comb'n'paper (shame on you if you don't know what I'm talking about), and also as tracing paper for those less artistically inclined than myself.  A couple of years and another primary school later, I recall one lad coming in one morning with a tracing of RUMPELSTILTSKIN from his school reading book and trying to pass it off as an original drawing.  The game was up when the sheet of Izal was placed over the page in the book, revealing him as the bare-faced liar that he was.  (And became renowned for in subsequent years.)  "My sister drew it!" he lamely proclaimed - much to the ridicule of the rest of the class.

Looking at the picture at the start of this post, I can even remember what the paper smelled like - before use, I mean.  It had a slight whiff of disinfectant that was not altogether unpleasant, and the memory of it whisks me right back to my childhood.  It was even commonly used in homes, not just schools and hospitals.  Having said that, however, thank goodness for the advent of the ANDREX puppy and the soft, cushioned toilet rolls with which it so playfully romped.  Life is full of enough trials and tribulations without the performance of one's necessary toilet ablutions being yet one more of them, I'm sure you'll agree.

And, in case you want to relive a moment from your youth, Izal medicated toilet roll and tissues are still available online from various suppliers.  Go on, treat your botty to a good ol' fashioned scrape at the earliest opportunity.  (In a non-pervy way of course.) 


  1. the Sunday Post mentioned Izal yesterday, apparently the quality is better now. These days people use the Dandy.

  2. "People use The Dandy" - I wish I'd said that. ("You will, Oscar, you will.")

  3. I don't think we had anything like that in the US, and probably for a good reason!

    1. You didn't. My great aunt came over by ship from the US with her own supply of the soft stuff. It must have been about 1967.

  4. Hi Kid,

    I'd just like to say sorry for the stuff I wrote earlier in the year. I hope all is forgiven and we can pick up where we left off.


  5. I suppose that apologising shows a certain level of maturity (if it's sincere), so you're free to comment on posts if you wish to.

  6. Does using Izal make you the Rawhide Kid?

  7. I haven't used Izal in many a long year. I much prefer to pamper my posterior with a plusher poo-wipe.

  8. At least no one can call you an anal retentive.

  9. Exit only, no entry, is my motto.

  10. I'm sure the world is very grateful to hear that.

  11. Dunno about the world, but I certainly am.

  12. as Basil Brush would say BUM BUM!

  13. Thanks Kid!


    Just to show theres no hard feeling I've added your blog back to the side of mine, and I'll delete the posts!


  14. I'm sure the paper we used at my lower school was Bronco or Brobat or something like that. Felt like wiping your bum on a handful of broken glass... at least, I imagine that's what it would feel like.
    For the love of God do NOT look for the online video of one man and a glass jar. Just don't.

  15. I think I saw his x-rays in an issue of Loaded - blerrcchhh!

  16. My pending comments list shows that the above comment is in reply to Chris Sobieniak's comment, in case anyone was wondering. Rough toilet paper - we Brits are certainly a hardy breed.


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