Tuesday 31 July 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Once again we present for your pulsating and protruding peepers more Mighty Marvel greatness from years ago.  Continuing our salivatory series of SPIDER-MAN covers by the stupendous STEVE DITKO, we herewith unveil the next six in the sequence - none other than MARVEL TALES #s 155 to 160.  I'm sure I can't be alone in wishing that, despite the care and attention lavished upon the MASTERWORKS and OMNIBUS volumes which the House of Ideas currently publishes, it would be great to see their vast back catalogue presented in actual monthly comicbooks once more.  Just think - The FANTASTIC FOUR, THOR, The HULK, The AVENGERS, Dr. STRANGE, etc., all with their original cover artwork.  All those in favour, say "Aye!" - "AYE!"

Right, that's it carried then.  Now it's up to Marvel.

Remember to tune in again soon for another six super covers in this smashing series.


  1. I'd love Marvel to start up a Classic Marvel monthly reprint series again. I'd call it Marvel Collectors' Item Classics...:)

  2. Actually, Marvel Tales used that as a mini-heading in some upcoming covers which I'll be showing soon. Also, as you'll know, there was a magazine with that very name in the '60s.

  3. Love the colours on the Scorpion cover and the mood of the Masters of Menace cover.

    I'd buy a monthly reprint series of Ditko's Spidey and Dr. Strange.

  4. I've got them in several reprints already (in books and individual comics), but I'd buy them again for sure.


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