Monday 16 July 2012


Images copyright relevant owner

We herewith present the second instalment of the FIREBALL XL5 adventure from TV CENTURY 21 #35, cover-dated September 18th, 2065 (no, that's not a mistake), as written by ALAN FENNELL and drawn by MIKE NOBLE.  (For Part One, click here.)

Mike Noble's composition was always perfect, and it's difficult to imagine any other artist of the day (whether it be HAMPSONBELLAMY or LAWRENCE) surpassing him in story composition.  Only RON EMBLETON was equal to Noble's storytelling abilities in my humble opinion, both of them easily being a match in that particular department for MARVEL's mighty JACK KIRBY across the pond.  The two of them had that 'comics dynamism' that the others, undeniably great as they were, fell a little short of.  (Feel free to disagree of course - you won't get insulted for it on this particular blog - unlike some others.)

I recall thinking that the empty spacesuits was quite a creepy development, and being intrigued as to what the explanation for it might be.  Fennell didn't appear to 'write down' for kids, often including elements that less fearless writers or editors might have steered clear of.  Arguably, he wasn't big on characterisation, but with only two pages a strip he could hardly afford to be.  He kept the story rattling along at a cracking good pace, and that's no doubt why these tales still stand up well today and are so fondly-remembered.

For Part Three, click here.  Don't miss it!

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