Wednesday 11 July 2012


I received an email earlier regarding a certain blogger (whose name I have omitted from the 'cut and paste' below) which makes for interesting reading.  I've also omitted the name of the sender to spare him from any hostile repercussions.  Much as I'm tempted to respond with my own thoughts, I can't really top what the sender himself has said.  Read it and make up your own minds on the matter.

"I was reading (name redacted) blog earlier and he was talking about the UK comics industry. He said it wasn't as big as it had once been, but was still doing well and not dead as some people claimed. Anyone who disagrees with his assessment he dismisses as bitter ex-contributors or sentimentalists mired in nostalgia for the comics of their youth.  (He obviously has you in mind.)

He comes across as a smug, obnoxious prat, and I know you've had your run-ins with him so I wonder what you thought of his post if you read it?  He sounds much like a well-fed man with an amply filled larder during a famine, wondering why hungry people are always moaning about there being no food.  Completely out of touch with reality I'd say.  I had to wonder why, if the industry is as healthy as he claims, he regularly has to sell pages of his old art so he can pay his mortgage.

There's no real comic industry in this country today.  What we do have is more like a village craft fayre.  Maybe you should consider doing a counter-post.  I'm sure it would make for interesting reading." 

I haven't seen the post as I rarely visit his blog unless someone alerts me to such instances as described above.  I've just recently addressed a matter from a few weeks back which I was advised of only the other day, and I really can't be bothered reading his same tired, old, misinformed opinions yet again - so won't be gracing his blog with a visit.  Most sensible people know the truth, so there's no point in flogging a dead horse.  Besides, he's entitled to his point of view, even if it has been formed in a glass bubble of self-delusion and ignorance.

Let's just leave him there - he seems happy enough.


LEE JAMES TURNOCK had some interesting thoughts on the matter over on his blog, but it doesn't exist anymore so you can't read them.


  1. Not so much a matter of "let them eat cake" as "let them eat sh*t".

  2. He's obviously a rather bitter and frustrated individual. Maybe he'll lighten up a bit when he discovers women.


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