Monday 23 July 2012


Copyright DC COMICS

I acquired the above comic many, many years ago.  Either the late '70s or early '80s, but I'm not exactly sure, to be honest.  May even have been a little later than that, but not by much.  I say 'comic', but to be more precise, it seems to have been extracted from a 'parent' publication - probably ACTION COMICS, I would imagine.  It's dated 1976 in the indicia, and the cover is not glossy - just regular newsprint comic paper. 

Does anyone know for sure which comic it comes from?  Any details would be greatly appreciated.


  1. There were a couple of Action #1 give-aways in 1976. One was for a sleeping bag, the other is for Safeguard soap. You can tell which one it is by the ad on the back cover. Hope this helps!

  2. Thanks, GA - it's the sleeping bag one I've got.

  3. Come on then Kid, scan the back for posterity!

  4. I'll add it later. It's already been tucked away back in my filing cabinet.


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