Tuesday 17 July 2012



Almost exactly 40 years ago, Crivs, I purchased LION & THUNDER HOLIDAY SPECIAL for 1972.  Unfortunately, I didn't have it for very long before a relative relieved me of its ownership by devious means.  I may only have had it for a day, in fact (two or three at the most) before it passed out of my hands, seemingly never to be seen again.  I don't think I even got to read it properly before it met its fate.  (For the details behind this tale, click here.)

Because of this, it never had much chance to make any great impression on me (which suggests it may have been bought the same day we parted company), so over the years its predecessor from 1971 was the one I remembered, the cover being instantly familiar to me whenever I espied it in some comics catalogue or Internet site.  I therefore sometimes pondered whether it was the '71 Special which had been swindled from me by my unscrupulous kinfolk.  (You'll know what I'm talking about if you've read the above link.)

However, on reflection that seemed unlikely.  For a start, it's doubtful whether I still had it at the time in question.  Secondly, I'm pretty sure that the comic 'stolen' from me was purchased after I had acquired the THUNDER ANNUAL for 1972, bought in December of '71.  (For that tale, click here.)  I also remember trying to keep the comic 'good' because it was new.  Therefore, by means of level-headed logic and analytical acumen (unless my memory is playing tricks on me), the '72 Holiday Special must have been the dimly-remembered comic from my past.

Anyway, not long after relating the story on this very blog, I saw it on eBay and made a bid for it - and won.  It's strange (but rewarding) to see it again, because I don't remember much about it apart from the cover.  One pic jumps out at me though - an illustration from a SPELLBINDER text story, which seems to confirm that this was indeed the very comic lost to me all those years ago.

To celebrate being reunited with my long-lost 'pal' from yesteryear, I've decided to share some of its pages, so that you too can rejoice in this special occasion.  Let's hope I've got at least another 40 years in front of me, in order to make up for our long separation.  It's always good to welcome back an old friend; now all I need do is track down the '71 and '73 Specials and I'll have a full set*.

*Update: Now done!

(Click on images to enlarge, then click again for optimum size.)


  1. Some of my favourite British comic characters: Eterno, Steel Commando and Black Max.
    Kid Chameleon, Galaxus, Brian's Brain, Dr. Krait and Ezra Creech are some of the others.

    I would love to read a holiday special right now. Or a Marvel Treasury.

  2. Dougie, when you think about it, it's strange that the Marvel superheroes of the same period are still going strong, yet the IPC/Fleetway characters are languishing in limbo. Something should be done with them.

  3. You are obviously aware of Grant Morrisons Zenith.
    I dont know how many of the characters he used were ipc/fleetway but he crammed in a hell of a lot of them.
    I would need to go back and have a good look but i think he killed off quite a few.

    ps. i have not blogged anything really because I am a procrastinator in the extreme.
    I am currently playing the role of landscape artist.(squaring up the garden)

  4. kellys eye always struck me as a wonderful comic strip.
    The comparisons with Doctor Who would hold it back a bit though.

  5. Quite a few IPC/Fleetway characters have turned up over the years in a variety of publications, but there really should be a full-time publishing empire exploiting their potential in the same way that Marvel does with their properties. As for Kelly's Eye, the time travelling aspect was a later development in the strip and could easily be ignored in a revival if publishers wanted to avoid comparisons with Doctor Who. I don't think it would be a problem 'though. Thanks for commenting.


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