Friday 6 July 2012



What's significant about the number forty-one?  That's the total of FANTASTIC covers we have left before we complete our look back at one of the best-loved comics of the '60s - as far as British readers were concerned anyway.  We might be past the halfway mark, but don't despair - we've still got quite a bit of the journey to go, including more BARRY SMITH pin-ups that a lot of you won't have seen before (unless you were around at the time).  So, sit back and enjoy numbers forty-three to forty-eight of "BRITAIN'S SUPER-HERO ACTION COMIC" - it truly was Fantastic!


  1. The cover of issue 45 is much more detailed than the original JIM 116 with a tunnel (?) and more figures - I wonder if these details were added by the Terrific staff, if so it's some damn fine work - the opposite of Vince Colletta who is accused of simplifying or deleting a lot of Kirby's background details!
    Of course the colourist for issue 43 has made the obvious mistake of using flesh tones to leave poor old Loki topless!

    Cheers, Big D

  2. As I'm sure you'll know, Marvel sometimes made changes to covers before they were printed, often AFTER the art had been photostatted for the files. Fantastic (Odhams) were no doubt supplied with a copy of the pre-printed cover (before changes) - their bodgers weren't very accomplished when it came to any kind of art correction I'm afraid.

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