Monday 11 June 2012


"AZTEC - A feast of a bar!" - and it sure was, being the only real rival that MARS Bars ever had.  Aztec Bars first appeared in 1967, and apparently the TV ads were filmed at a genuine Aztec pyramid in Mexico.  I seem to remember an Aztec warrior crouching at the foot of the temple before ascending the stairs, but I'd be grateful for some Criv-ites' confirmation that I'm not just imagining it.  Aztec Bars disappeared sometime in the '70s (some sources say the early '70s, others say 1978), though they returned in a limited edition revival in 2000.  I bought a good few of them, but they were back for such a short time that it almost seems like a dream.

Ah, the good old days.  Strange to think that others will regard today as one of their "good old days" tomorrow.  (You know what I mean - I hope.)


  1. Now I kinda wonder what that bar was like personally.

  2. Chris, they tasted similar to a Mars Bar, but with (if I remember correctly) a hint of raisins.

  3. Good to see that someone else remembers Aztecs. They were the chocolate bar of choice in our house. After they stopped making them we had to switch to Marathons and Topics, as, for some reason, we didn't like Mars Bars. I remember Aztecs as tasting like a heavier version of a Milky Way.

  4. Funny thing is, when they were reissued in 2000, the taste was instantly familiar to me. Now, 12 years later, it's hard to recall with any certainty. Wish they'd bring them back permanently.

  5. yep ,mayan temple,mystic magical and a better reward than getting yer head cut off for Quetzalcoatl,
    the AZTEC bar.
    Who named these things.
    I understand the planetary theme of Mars and milky way,but to call it an Aztec is interesting.

    I remember them and maybe had one when I was a kid and more than ten when they were re-released.

    I quite liked it as well.

  6. They were called Aztec Bars because they contained human hearts and other body parts. When this became known, they were forced to withdraw them. The 2000 "special edition" contained only an ersatz, chemically-simulated taste of human flesh.

  7. I'm convinced. No wonder I liked them so much.

  8. I used to get one of these every Saturday in 67 along with my 5 Power comics! - And a "BONUS" bar as well, do you remember them?

  9. Yup, I believe I do remember Bonus bars. Do they still make them, I wonder?


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