Tuesday 19 June 2012


Copyright DC COMICS

It's my understanding ('cos I'm sure I read it somewhere) that the comicbook regarded as SUPERMAN #1 was originally intended as a one-shot (which is why it isn't numbered), but when NATIONAL PUBLISHERS (DC) saw how well it sold they decided to make it an ongoing series.  Regardless, it's considered one of the most important issues of all time and is now worth practically a King's ransom.

Therefore, as it's pretty safe to assume that not many people reading this would be able to afford it, I thought I'd kindly bestow upon you all some pages from a copy of the comic in question.

JERRY SIEGEL originally intended Superman to be from Earth in the far-flung future (hence, perhaps, the phrase 'The Man of Tomorrow'), but then decided to make him an alien from another planet.  Personally, I wish he'd stuck to his first idea as I find a lot of the KRYPTON stuff that was tacked-on later rather boring.  Anyway, enjoy the pages presented here for your personal perusal.


  1. lovely stuff. good scans, too. I don't have the original, obviously, but I do still have my old DC First Edition tabloid sized copy. it's a cracking good comic.

  2. Indeed, Joe. The tabloid issue was as much like the original as could be - apart from the size, obviously. The Action Comics issue was also a stunner. Wish I had a giant-size scanner to copy them.


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