Wednesday 6 June 2012


Copyright relevant owner.  Cover art by WALTER SIMONSON

As has been said many times over the years, a picture is worth a thousand words - so there's no point in me bleating on about the following four pages from a 1975 one-off SHERLOCK HOLMES mag by DC.  If you can't see for yourself just how good they are, then nothing I can say will ever convince you of their worth.  This ish was intended to be the first of an ongoing series, but was the only one ever published.  Never mind though - just sit back and enjoy the exquisite art of E.R. CRUZ, Filipino artist extraordinaire.


  1. are E R Cruz and Alfredo Alcala related?
    A very similar style,or maybe Alfredo inked it.

  2. No relation that I'm aware of, apart from both being Filipino comic artists.

  3. Didn't Marvel do 2 issues around the same time as this?

  4. They might've done, but I never saw them so I'd have to check. It was the only issue that DC published 'though.

  5. Marvel did at least one issue of a Sherlock Holmes comic/magazine in the black and white mag "Marvel Preview" - McScotty

  6. Thanks, McScotty. I've got a Sherlock Holmes mag, but it's not by Marvel (or DC) - I'll have to dig it out and see who the publisher was.

  7. Eternity comics and AC comics both did Sherlock Holmes comics that reprinted the Frank Giacoia newspaper strips (the 3 I have are pretty nice. Rengade and Adventure comics (amongst others) have done Holmes comics as well and DC caching in on the property being available classed it up by doing a "Victorian Undead - Sherlock Holmes v Dracula" 5 issue mini series comic -not that I'm that much of a Sherlock fan I just seem to have acquired some of these books = McScotty

  8. No doubt loads of stuff has been published down through the years. Just in case anyone has misunderstood me, when I said that DC only published one issue, I meant one particular issue from 1975 of what was originally intended to be an ongoing series. Ol' Sherlock has appeared in quite a few DC tales - Batman in particular.

    Thanks for commenting, McScotty.


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