Friday 22 June 2012


So... British comedian JIMMY CARR has got himself in a right ol' kerfuffle, hasn't he?  Let's be honest though - if any of us were lucky enough to earn the same kind of 'wedge' that he can pull in, then maybe we'd have the same little Jersey tax scheme going on as he did.  After all, it's legal, isn't it?  Trouble is, by indulging in the same kind of practice that he routinely slated bankers and big businesses for, he lost his credibility along with the moral high-ground - even though his worst 'crime' seems to have been in listening to some over-eager financial advisor without fully considering the implications and repercussions.

However, for Prime minister DAVID CAMERON (member of an elite group infamous for indulging in all manner of questionable activities when it comes to screwing as much money out of the system as possible) to publicly accuse young Jimmy of "immoral" behaviour is as immense in its impertinence as it is in its hypocrisy.  For politicians with wealth beyond what most of us can only dream of (and who claim expenses for second houses or duck moats along with generous food allowances and attendance fees over and above their ludicrously hefty salaries) to pontificate on what is 'moral' for the rest of society while indulging in highly dubious (if legal) financial shenanigans themselves, well - it's a bit of a cheek to say the least.

David Cameron said that he would look into pop-pal GARY BARLOW's involvement in a similar tax-avoidance scheme before making a statement, but is now furiously backpedalling and refusing to comment.  After all, ol' Gary's a supporter of the Tory Party, isn't he?  So it wouldn't do to tread on his toes.  Meanwhile, big businesses avoid paying billions in taxes every year while the government looks the other way and does nothing.  Seems that they only have something to say when it comes to the little guy, eh?  At least Carr has apologised - not something you ever see a politician doing for far worse offences.

I'm not partisan; one political group is as bad as another in my book, but with his latest foot-in-mouth incident, Cameron has done nothing more than remind us all of who the real ruddy comedians are.

Trouble is, we're not laughing.      


  1. i dont find jimmy carr funny.
    I have a problem with satirists,or should that be satyrists.

    They are allowed to poke fun at the elite.
    It is their job.

    Anyway,the matter in hand.
    Jimmy gets called to see his chum the half prime minister,who suggests outing his jersey tax dodge in order to get the public to accept that this,wholly legal situation as far as I can see,is illegal and to be frowned upon.
    After a few years everyone will say,thats not what you do.
    Its much the same with all the robin hood/Medieval type movies enforcing the tax system on an unquestioning public...By making them believe we have always payed taxes.......hhhhmmmmmm.

  2. I don't find politicians funny. Money-grubbing b*st*rds that they are. They carve up the 'pie' amongst themselves and then fund public services from the crumbs that fall from the table. Somebody should remind them that they work for US.

  3. POLI...meaning fabricated
    TIC...blood sucking parasite

    I will leave it at that Kid,I could rant all day and night about politics.


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