Monday 4 June 2012



And now, for all you pulsatin' POWER fans out there, here's another five fabulous covers from the titanic TERRIFIC, published by ODHAMS PRESS back in 1967.  There are only ten more issues to go in this super series before you've seen the complete set of all forty-three comic covers and their back-page pin-ups, so stay tuned for the next part - coming soon.

Regular readers may remember me mentioning the 'cellar' in my back garden in which I sometimes sat when it rained, reading a pile of comics.  Sometimes, on sunnier, drier days, I would sit on a rug just outside that cellar door, and that's the image which springs to mind whenever I look at the cover of Terrific #31.  These covers are a window into the past, and I look through them often.  Why not do likewise?  You'll be surprised to see that what you thought was a long-vanished view still exists.

For Part Six, click here, and for Part One, click here.


  1. I like that note on the Mr. Fantastic Pin-up: Reproduced courtesy of Wham. Just like Stan used to do in the early days at Marvel.

    The Mr. F Pin-Up is one of Barry Smith's nicer efforts of the period.

  2. The "Odhams Garret" (as it was called) was very much cast in the mould of the "Marvel Bullpen", Nick. It managed to recreate the feel of it pretty well.

    Yes, it IS one of Smith's nicer efforts from the period, isn't it?

  3. Wow, NOT a fan of those pin-ups!


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