Monday 18 June 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

It's always sad when we have to say goodbye to an old friend, and unfortunately such a time is now upon us.  For forty-three weekly issues in 1967, it graced our lives (we of a certain age) with its company before taking the walk that would be "quite some time" and vanishing from sight forever.  Well, not quite forever - not to those of us who still have our back issues to dig out every so often and relive those heady days of yore.  In eight previous posts, I've shared with you thirty-eight covers and back-page pin-ups, and we now complete our journey with a visit to the last five issues ever printed.

However, is a journey ever really over when we can retrace our steps whenever the fancy takes us?  True, it's like a section of time played on an endless loop, but we can jump on and off whenever we feel like it with no inconvenience on either side.  It's there for us when we want it, and it's always going to be there, even if we forget about it for short periods of time while we get on with the necessary business of living in the present.  So, here we are - issues #39 to 43 of the fifth title in the POWER PACK published by ODHAMS PRESS back in the '60s.

It's been a TERRIFIC ride.  Why not take it again some day?

For Part Eight, click here.


  1. Kid,

    Thanks for the TERRIFIC ride, I really enjoyed it. I particularly enjoyed seeing the Cap and Dr. Strange pin-ups by Barry Smith. Even his earliest work shows talent.

  2. My pleasure, Nick. At least we still have a FANTASTIC voyage to finish.

  3. Thanks again Kid for another brilliant series -I used to have the full set so they all took me back in time just the same way as songs do!

  4. It's always good to revisit yesteryear. (Well, most of the time.)


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