Tuesday 26 June 2012


Copyright relevant owner

You're looking at the covers of facsimile editions of the first three issues of THRILLER COMICS from the 1950s.  I used to own the IPC/FLEETWAY file copies, gifted to me by an editor in the mid-'80s, but I sold them around 20 years later.  (Got a good price for them too, even though they'd my name stamped on the back.)

Thing is, I missed having them around, so I acquired these facsimiles from the successor to BRYON WHITWORTH'little publishing 'empire' several years back.  (Bryon was the editor of the now sadly defunct The ILLUSTRATED COMIC JOURNAL and various non-profit comics indices and facsimile issues.)

Thriller Comics was published by The AMALGAMATED PRESS in 1951, but with issue # 41 the title was renamed THRILLER COMICS LIBRARY.  This lasted until #162, whereupon, with #s 163-450 (the final issue in the series), it changed its name yet again - to THRILLER PICTURE LIBRARY.  The title ceased publication in 1963.
Anyway, thought you'd like to see the covers of these historical publications  - so enjoy.

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