Thursday, 3 May 2012


It was in The GARDEN PET SHOP (next door to NURSERYLAND) sometime around Christmas in 1965/'66 that I first saw the above AIRFIX model of JAMES BOND & ODDJOB (one word apparently).  I perhaps ought to explain that, although the shop sold foodstuffs and accessories for pets (I can't recollect if it actually sold any pets themselves - I don't think so), it also sold a small selection of toys, models and games on its first (or maybe second) floor.

I remember being struck by the box art, which remained in my memory forever after though I don't recall seeing it again until many, many years later - and then only in photographs in magazines.  At one time, to purchase an original would have cost a collector £150, but Airfix re-released the kit around 1999 for under a tenner, although it had a different box.  I bought one of course - and one day I fully intend to sit down and build the rascal.

However, it was probably the box art more than the model itself which fascinated me (I had looked inside the box back on that day in the '60s and don't remember being too impressed), and now, thanks to the Internet, I now have a nice, complete copy of the top and sides, the top of which is reproduced above.

As I said, one day I'll build and paint the model - and also make a facsimile of the original box.  Then that faraway day in my childhood won't seem so long ago as the cold, hard years (and the sight of my reflection) tell me it must have been.


  1. I can still smell the delightful aroma of that unusual little emporia nestled just down from the main Post Office.Bought many an Airfix model plane kit there,of which were duly assembled and hung by thread from the bedroonm ceiling of the little bedroom i shared with my two brothers.
    The sense of smell sure is,like comics and photographs a great way of revisiting the glorious and heady days of childhood.

  2. And what about the delightful Nurseryland right next door? Another great place to acquire many a fine toy. I've still got a little Paddington Bear that I bought there in the mid-'70s. Happy days.


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