Friday 20 April 2012



And now, by means of my own personal time machine, we return to the year 1967 and another six covers and back-page pin-ups from FANTASTIC, published by ODHAMS PRESS when the world was younger and seemed a much better place to be.  (If you were fortunate enough not to live in some war-torn or impoverished nation, obviously.)  Look at great the art on display: JACK KIRBY, WERNER ROTHBARRY SMITH, etc.  Didn't someone once say that the past was a foreign country?  Don't you worry though, Crivs - your passports aren't required if you're with your Unca Kid.  Enjoy - or I'll want to know the reason why!


  1. i love that these reprints existed,
    I wish I had known of them.
    But I really dont like the posters,
    The classics are fine but ..

    Marvel used to throw in a double page poster in the titans that were drawn by artists with a lot less flair than the contents.
    Its interesting that Barry Smith is involved in some.

    My big thing was the artwork,I did not even consider the writers until I was well into my twenties (figure that out,I cant)
    I used to do the ,I will name that artist in one,a lot of the times I could name the inker also...(used to impress my younger brother)
    So if I saw someone doing a bad impression of my fave artists it would give me the boak!

    The reason I mention this is that you have a fondness for some of these pin-ups,and I want to know why.
    Elsewhere you do appear to be quite meticulous in your criticisms, having good reasons and able to express them,but these pin-ups appear to have something for you....

    care to elaborate?

  2. Ah, baab, you haven't been paying strict attention. Elsewhere on one of these posts, I admitted that a lot of the back-page pin-ups were terrible. Any fondness I display towards some things sometimes springs merely from a sense of nostalgia and not necessarily artistic accomplishment.

  3. thats what i thought.

    In a conversation it would have been a moment in a discussion and gone....
    I am still getting used to blogging.

    I have obviously read it on here ,just forgot.

    looking forward.

  4. Glad you're enjoying it. Another post coming up soon.

  5. Kid,

    with the exception of the Hulk and Iron-Man, taken from the second set of MMMS posters altered by Marie Severin most of the pin-ups look like Barry Smith's work, especially Spidey and Balder.

    Some of the covers used are taken from unaltered stats, most noticably TOS 56 (The Unicorn). I always enjoy seeing them. Thanks again for posting these treasures from the past.

  6. My pleasure, Nick. The fact that you - and people like you - enjoy seeing them makes it all worthwhile. And I'm glad to finally know who did that extra linework on the Hulk and Iron Man pin-ups - I thought it was too good for Odhams themselves. Thanks for the info.


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