Thursday 26 April 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

For no other reason than I think it's dynamite.  Anyone disagree?  The image was used as an iron-on transfer given away with the first issue of TERRIFIC in 1967. That's the transfer below, frantic ones.  (Click to enlarge, then click again.)


  1. My mum wouldn't let me use the transfer so it was left in a book that has left my hands years ago now! Fantastic memories Kid

  2. Thanks. I aim to please. (I'd better not tell you that I've got the transfer, eh? No point in rubbing it in.)

  3. i clicked on the 'cool',button,but had to come in and repeat it.
    too cool.

  4. Not meaning to be a pedant, but if the chain is snapping, how come the two pieces are at right angles to each other?

    Oh, looks cool.

  5. Perhaps the chain was rusted into that shape?

    (And how come his chin is tucked into his neck-band?)

  6. Kid, I can still picture my Mum ironing on the transfer in the kitchen onto a small white t-shirt which had a strange feel to the fabric. Said t-shirt was a very tight fit and years later I saw a photograph of myself in it pre transfer ironing aged four. As I was now seven, well you could see why my t-shirt was every bit as constrictive as Tony Stark's metal shell.

    About 2001 I bought a 1967 Jimmy Olsen comic at a comic fair in Leeds and much to my delight found a mint transfer tucked safely away. It certainly added to the value of the Terrific 1 I had in my collection. But the real joy was all about remembering that t-shirt and the care free days of a seven year old me.


  7. I've got the transfer too (see comment above somewhere) and sometimes I'm tempted to iron it onto a white T-shirt - not to wear, just to look at. However, after all this time it would probably just melt, so I resist the temptation.


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