Tuesday 3 April 2012


Copyright BBC TV and the Estate of TERRY NATION

Back in the dim and distant days of September 1976, I contacted WORLD DISTRIBUTORS to enquire about the possibility of obtaining a DALEK ANNUAL they'd published the previous year.  They replied in the affirmative and, after sending the requisite payment, the sought-after book, when it eventually arrived, was accompanied by a free copy of The AMAZING WORLD Of DOCTOR WHO, containing reprints of some Dalek strips from the back of TV CENTURY 21.  (You know the old saying - never look a gift-Dalek in the mouth - so I didn't.)

The World Distributor Dalek reprints were reproduced from the original artwork (which was revised to cover the title and 'stop press' panels on each page), unlike some later reprintings which were merely scanned from issues of TV21.  So without any further ado, enjoy an exciting adventure with The Daleks - the cheeky little rascals.

Incidentally, the first three pages are illustrated by RICHARD JENNINGS and the last two are by RON TURNER.

And below, the actual letters I received from World Distributors way back when. (Click on to enlarge, then click again.)


  1. Poor daleks. It's always frustrating when your spaceship gets melted.

  2. You're telling me. I was on my way back from Alpha Centauri only last week when...

  3. The Emperor Dalek is one of the great unsung heroes (or is that villains?) of British comics. I always hoped a proper golden one would show up on tv (Sylvester McCoy met a white one but he turned out to be Davros).

  4. Call me obstinate, but I regard the TV Century 21 origin of the Daleks as the true one. The Davros debacle belongs to an alternate universe in my opinion. Seeing a normal-sized guy in what is essentially a wheelchair destroys the mystique of the Daleks. However, if they had gone for a Davros of Mekon-sized proportions...


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