Thursday 15 March 2012


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

For all you completists out there, here's the second half of the first issue of The BEANO for you to salivate over.  (For Part One, click here.)  Unlike the abridged presentation on another blog, this one features the full 28 pages (in two parts, this being the concluding one).

Your very own Beano #1.  Am I good to you or what?


  1. You claim this is a full Scan of the Beano number one but that simply isn't true.Where Is Hard Nut the Nigger? He deserves to be remembered as much as Dennis the Menace or Korky The Cat.

  2. Actually, it simply IS true. The character you refer to apparently made only one appearance - and that was in the 1940 Beano book - not the first issue of the comic.


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