Sunday 4 March 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I know how hungry you all are out there for your regular fix of comics from the past, so I'm not going to deprive you of the latest batch of TERRIFIC covers from the '60s for another nano-second.  Here are issues 17 to 22, along with their back-page pin-ups for you to stare at, glassy-eyed, while you drool all over your computer.

Were you a reader at the time these comics were printed, or did you instead have to make-do with more anaemic publications?  Never mind, we won't hold that against you - you've obviously been punished enough and are now a little wiser for your deprivation.  Therefore, don't be shy - YOU, also, are permitted to cast your peepers over these ten awesome POWER PACK publications, presented here in all their monumental and mighty MARVEL magnificence.

Don't forget to tune in again soon for yet another titanic instalment of TERRIFIC COVER GALLERY - only here, on Kid's Cataclysmic bloggy-thingy-doo-dah! 

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