Saturday 10 March 2012


JEAN HENRI GASTON GIRAUD.  (May 8th, 1938 - March 10th, 2012)

JEAN GIRAUD, also known as MOEBIUS, has sadly passed away. I have to confess that I wasn't a fan of his SILVER SURFER graphic novel, PARABLE, with STAN LEE (nor did I share his rather strange views on lettering), but when it came to doing the stuff he was good at (which was a lot), he was very good indeed.  Comics are the poorer for his passing.

I'll leave it to others better acquainted with the man's life and career to pen a more detailed tribute than I'm capable of.  I just didn't want his passing to go by without commenting upon it myself.  No doubt some of the many fine blogs in the list on the right of the page will have their own thoughts to express about the legendary artist, so keep your eyes peeled.  I'm sure they'll do him proud.

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