Thursday 22 March 2012


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EAGLE #1 - a landmark in British publishing history.  However, nowadays, not many people know that not only did the new comic launch the career of DAN DARE, it was also responsible for unveiling another swashbuckling 'hero' to the waiting world - none other than CAPTAIN PUGWASH!  Yes, that's right - JOHN RYAN's master of The BLACK PIG first appeared in the premier issue of MARCUS MORRIS's and FRANK HAMPSON's 1950s masterpiece - the Eagle.

This comic was the top-selling title of its day - and arguably the most famous adventure weekly that Britain ever produced.  Even today, a dedicated fan club exists to commemorate the glory that was Eagle.  And just think - it would probably never have existed if not for horror and crime comics of the '40s giving rise to a desire for more 'wholesome' periodicals for young and impressionable readers.  From every fire a Phoenix rises - although in this case it was a Phoenix in the form of an Eagle.

Anyway, enjoy the front and back covers of the first edition - along with the debut of ol' Captain Pugwash, Britain's best-loved pirate. 

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