Friday 17 February 2012



For any readers who may've thought that certain aspects of the origin of THOR The MIGHTY were a tad too SF orientated, this was rectified by TERRIFIC excising any reference to The STONE MEN From SATURN from its two-page recounting of the tale.  Only the bare essentials were required to bring new readers up to speed on the history of big daddy ODIN's hammer-hurling, blond-haired lad from across the Rainbow Bridge.

"But ours is a drama decreed by the fates to be acted out!  Nothing can stop it!  Nothing can change it!  Watch and see..."  And acted out it was, filling us in on how DON BLAKE's Asgardian alter-ego came to be.  Having satiated our appetite for Norse Thunder-gods with long hair, we were next made acquainted with the size-changing contingent of the team - but that's a titanic tale for another time.  Be sure not to miss it!


COMING SOON:  The Terrific origin of GIANT-MAN & The WASP!


  1. Holy Flashback! I suddenly recalled thinking about trying to steal this Power Comic from the waiting area in Strathaven Medical Centre. I must have been seven or eight and I knew it was precious and ancient (at least four or five years old, by those standards!) However, I was too fearful of the consequences to nick it.

  2. 'Liberate' was the word you were thinking of, Dougie, not 'steal'. See? Patience is a virtue - you only had to wait 45 years to get to read some of it.

  3. I've got a tatty, coverless copy of this comic, handed down from an older cousin, and it was my first glimpse at a lot of Marvel characters, before the days of MWOM. I also thought that Thor origin was "terrific" at the time, and it still looks great - Stone Men or no Stone men it's 100% un-distilled Kirby magic...

  4. Scans of the front and back cover have already appeared somewhere on this blog. If you want, I'll scan the inside of the covers and you can print them all out and cobble together a new one for your copy.

  5. That would be cool, mate! Thanks, Kid!

  6. cerebus, have emailed the pages to you. Let me know how you get on with them.


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