Thursday 9 February 2012


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

This is a 'luverly' little tale by STAN LEE and STEVE DITKO, reprinted in the FANTASTIC Annual for 1968.  (The story was originally published in JOURNEY Into MYSTERY #92, 1963.)  I remember redrawing the splash page in my back garden one day, with the intention of copying the whole strip, but no longer recall whether I ever finished it or gave up after the first couple of pages.

As was the custom with U.K. reprints of U.S. comic strips back then, credit boxes were deleted and certain words or phrases altered, such as "Good Lord!" to "Goodness!", and "thru" to "through", etc.  Can't take the chance of youthful readers picking up blasphemous oaths from their comics now, can we, or learning how to misspell?  That would never do!

Anyway, let's forego the customary waffle from me and get straight into the story.


  1. Now I know the answer to the riddle "What's black and white and red all over." Seriously, it was GOOD to see this story AND to see it in this format. Thanks for posting it.


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