Tuesday 20 December 2011


Copyright relevant owner

Here's a couple more HANNA-BARBERA strips from a 1960 edition of TV EXPRESS WEEKLY.  The first features YOGI BEAR, followed by two tiers of Mr. JINKS with PIXIE & DIXIE.  Strictly speaking, Yogi's strip isn't Christmas-related, apart from being set in Winter, but I doubt that you'll hold that against me.  The comic's cover logo doesn't necessarily come from the same one as the strips, though it just might do.  (When I scanned the images I didn't bother noting the specifics of which came from what.)  Due to the page-size, I had to scan it in two halves so you'll need to view each section separately when you click on them to enlarge.  (Remember to click again for full size.)  Well worth it though.

For all those interested in Hanna-Barbera cartoons and related topics, be sure to jump over and check out the most excellent YOWP site here - you'll love it.

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