Sunday 18 December 2011


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Surprisingly, out of the 39 DENNIS The MENACE books published by DCT from 1955 to 2010, only five of them have covers that could be considered even remotely Festive.  No indoor adorned Christmas trees, Santas, reindeer, presents, decorations or whatever - only snow - and only one snowman.  You'd have thought a scene of Dennis menacing SANTA would've been ripe with possibilities for a good Seasonal cover, but no - so we'll have to make do with what we have.

On the run-up to Christmas, I'll feature the front and back covers of those five books. The first is from 1985, which was the last book to come out two years after the preceding one, and also two years before the following one.  This means that the 1987 book (published in '86) became the very first actual Annual, as it came out one year before the next one.  (There were no books issued between the 1978 and 1983 editions.)

So... enjoy Dennis's hi-jinks as he gets up to mischief on the 'slopes'.  Snow joke.  (Get it?  'S'no joke.  Groan.)

Remember... click on the images to enlarge... then click again for optimum size.


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